Topic: HTML

Mobile first responsive web design with css media queries

Mobile first responsive css with media queries

Responsive web pages also called adaptive web pages which fits nicely fits on various devices like mobile , tablets , desktops. And mobile first approach first writing styles for mobile devices and then for larger devices like tablets and desktop. In this post , we’ll know why we need importance of mobile first design approach and how to implement it.


Fast Coding HTML , CSS with Emmet

Emmet is very popular tool for writing HTML, CSS code rapidly. This can greatly improve your workflow. Emmet can be used in all popular text editors like Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Notepad++ , Sublime Text , Atom etc. Visual Studio Code comes with built in Emmet support. I recommend using Visual Studio Code to follow this post. Any code editor with Emmet installed is also good to go. In this post I’ll discuss about using Emmet efficiently.